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Understanding the Basics of Infertility

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  • Written By: Mark Denker, M.D.

Many people plan their lives and expect them to follow a certain course. Often, couples make plans to get married, establish their careers, maybe buy a house and then have children. Unfortunately, infertility can add a wrinkle to your plans of starting a family. At Palm Beach Fertility Center, Dr. Mark Denker and our team can help you make your dreams of parenthood come true.

The 411 on Infertility

Although you may feel alone, approximately 1 out of 8 couples experience infertility. With diagnosis and treatment of infertility, approximately 80 percent of those couples will eventually conceive a child. To maximize your chances of success, keep this information in mind:

Time is of the essence when confronting fertility.

For women, fertility peaks in your 20s. In your 30s, you have a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. By age 40, that number drops to only 5 percent each month. Though you may want financial stability before starting a family, waiting too long can increase issues with conceiving.

Maximize your fertility efforts.

To achieve a pregnancy, you need to have intercourse during your fertile period, which is two to three days before or up to 24 hours after ovulation. You may want to buy an ovulation predictor kit to help you identify the correct window. After 12 months of trying, six month if you are over 35, you should consult a fertility specialist to rule out potential problems.

Infertility can impact men and women.

About one-third of infertility issues are cause by female infertility problems, one-third are caused by male factor infertility, and one-third occur because of a combination of the two or from unexplained causes. Both partners should be evaluated to determine why you cannot get pregnant.

Knowledge is power.

The team at Palm Beach Fertility Center wants to offer the information and resources you need to ensure that you can successfully create or expand your family.

For more information, please visit To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Denker, contact our office.