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International Patient? No Problem

Helping International Patients Build Families

At Palm Beach Fertility Center, we are proud to serve both local and international patients alike. Research suggests that couples may want to consider traveling abroad for fertility treatments, depending on their personal and financial needs/goals. Couples can often find more affordable IVF treatments outside of their own country, which can be an attractive option amidst high prices associated with fertility clinics at home.

Additionally, many clinics like ours have access to newer technologies and treatments that may not be readily accessible in some countries. It is advised that patients do their own research to ensure a safe and successful experience whether you are considering local or international fertility treatments.

To learn more about our international fertility treatment options, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can be reached at (888) 819-5177, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today.

International Infertility Services at Palm Beach Fertility Center

Our fertility specialists happily offer testing and treatment options for international patients. Our welcoming staff will design an individualized treatment plan to give you the best possible chances of achieving a successful conception. Our two locations are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and labs to serve patients locally and from around the world.

Finding the Best Fertility Treatments for Your Specific Needs

Your fertility specialist will likely want to begin your treatment plan with preliminary infertility testing. Infertility testing helps determine the underlying cause of a couple's inability to conceive.

Tests include semen analysis to assess sperm health, ovarian reserve testing to evaluate egg quantity and quality, imaging tests to check for blockages or abnormalities in the reproductive system, and blood tests to check hormone levels. By pinpointing the root cause of infertility, couples can pursue the most effective treatment options to help them conceive.

Fertility treatments offered at Palm Beach Fertility Center include the following and more:

  • Medication treatments, such as clomiphene citrate or letrozole to stimulate ovulation, and/or injectable fertility drugs to stimulate egg production.
  • Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • Egg freezing to preserve fertility for women who want to delay childbearing.
  • Donor egg, sperm, and embryo options for patients who are unable to conceive.

Consult with a Fertility Specialist Today

At Palm Beach Fertility Center, we believe that everyone deserves access to infertility testing and care. We recommend speaking with your insurance provider to see which plans are available internationally and cover a range of infertility causes.

It is important to note that coverage details may vary based on your location, age, and treatment type. Fertility treatments can be expensive, but insurance can help reduce the financial burden for those struggling with infertility. For any additional questions regarding cost, international treatment logistics, and more, please feel free to reach out to a team member.

Contact us today at (888) 819-5177. We can’t wait to help more patients from around the world achieve their family-building dreams!