AMH (“anti-Müllerian hormone”) is secreted by the cells of the developing antral and pre-antral follicles in women during their reproductive years. These follicles are small fluid-filled structures in the ovaries that contain eggs. When AMH is secreted, it stops more immature eggs from being pulled into the maturation process, thus preventing the maturation of all the eggs at once. AMH can be used as an indicator of ovarian reserve because AMH hormone levels reflect the number of eggs maturing in the ovaries and on their way to ovulation.
AMH levels decline as women age in the same way that the number and quality of their eggs decline. Ovarian function can be assessed by evaluating a woman’s AMH levels due to the parallel state of their ovarian reserve. A decline in one indicates a drop in the other, which results decreased ovarian reserve (DOR). As such, a patient with low AMH will have more difficulty becoming pregnant than a woman of the same age with normal AMH levels. Our fertility center has developed novel, effective protocols for treating low AMH levels, and we will tailor a unique fertility plan for you that addresses your situation and needs upon consultation.
It is very difficult to know if you have low AMH since symptoms are rarely felt or noticed. You may have irregular periods and trouble conceiving, but hormone testing is always necessary to determine if that is due to low AMH and a parallel low ovarian reserve or due to another cause.
Miscarriage rates for women with low AMH are much higher than those of women with normal AMH levels due to the associated poorer egg quality. Some women even suffer from recurrent miscarriages. If you have low AMH and have previously experienced a miscarriage, our staff can address your hormonal abnormality to help prevent another pregnancy loss.
As a woman ages, her supply of eggs begins to decrease, and her AMH levels naturally decline. Very low levels of AMH can indicate the impending onset of menopause. This can happen at the appropriate time or prematurely, sometimes at a much younger age. A few of the causes of early reserve decline and low AMH are genetics, (associated with the FMR1 gene), and autoimmune attacks on the ovaries. Once the cause of low AMH levels and decreased ovarian reserve has been determined, Dr. Denker will develop a treatment plan to address your condition to maximize your pregnancy odds.
For more information about AMH, contact our office to meet with our fertility specialist.
Anyone trying to conceive without success knows that infertility can consume your life. Dr. Mark Denker, M.D., R.E., and the compassionate team at Palm Beach Fertility Center understand that nothing matters more to you than building a family. We devote ourselves to helping resolve infertility with individualized care that produces optimal results.
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