When you visit Palm Beach Fertility Center, you and your partner (or single men and women) can expect to be treated with dignity and respect throughout the entire reproductive process. At Palm Beach Fertility Center, we strongly believe that every person has the right to experience the incomparable joy that comes from fulfilling the dream of parenthood, and we would never deny that dream to anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or marital status. The first step in your journey to parenthood is education—learning what options are available to you as an LGBTQ person or couple.
A donor egg and surrogate are required for male patients, whether single or in a same sex relationship. At Palm Beach Fertility Center we have an extensive egg donor catalogue and our donors are meticulously screened to ensure the viability and safety of all our donor eggs. Donor profiles can be conveniently viewed to make the process of finding the perfect match for your prospective family proceed in a timely and stress free manner. We can also help you choose a surrogate agency to ensure that your path to achieving the dream of having a child is not complicated by other difficult decisions.
Single female patients and female patients with fertility problems in same sex relationships receive the same care and thorough evaluation of their individual condition as females in heterosexual partnerships. Services specific to single women and lesbian couples are varied, depending on whose eggs will be used and who wishes to conceive. We also help all our patients navigate the FDA approved sperm banks to choose a donor, unless the patient(s) wish to use the sperm of a friend and/or acquaintance. If the latter is the case the sperm must be quarantined for at least 6 months before it can be considered for fertilization. Whether or not the sperm can be used for intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) depends on several factors. If the “carrier” partner has functional ovaries, tubes, and uterus she can undergo IUI.
If there are fertility problems involved, such as decreased ovarian reserve or blocked tubes, then IVF will be needed. When both parties of a lesbian couple desire to have a biological or genetic connection to the baby, one partner’s fertilized eggs can be placed into the other partner’s uterus. For other same sex couples an embryo donation is the right option.
At Palm Beach Fertility Center we are deeply committed to our patients and their individual concerns. We will ensure that your path to starting a family is planned only with the treatment options that are best for you.
Palm Beach Fertility Center respectfully treats intersex individuals if they wish to start a family. We will address your unique situation in a sensitive and caring manner when reviewing your various treatment options.
Palm Beach Fertility Center also offers a range of treatment options for transgender, transitioning and gender non-conforming individuals and couples. Depending on your specific situation services may include sperm donation, egg donation and/or surrogacy. Our informed approach coupled with our leading fertility expert and experienced staff assures that you will receive superior care and a plan that addresses your unique needs.
Every situation is different and we tailor our approach to every person we treat. Contact us today to learn which option best suits your current situation.
Call Palm Beach Fertility Center at (888) 819-5177 and request a consultation to speak with us about our services.
Anyone trying to conceive without success knows that infertility can consume your life. Dr. Mark Denker, M.D., R.E., and the compassionate team at Palm Beach Fertility Center understand that nothing matters more to you than building a family. We devote ourselves to helping resolve infertility with individualized care that produces optimal results.
About Palm Beach Fertility