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Common Causes of Male Infertility and Lifestyle Changes to Increase Fertility

  • Category: Male Infertility
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Mark Denker, M.D.

If you’ve tried to conceive for at least a year without success, it’s probably time for you and your partner to undergo fertility testing.

Dr. Mark Denker, the specialist at Palm Beach Fertility Center can help once he understands why you and your partner aren’t getting pregnant.

Common causes of male infertility include:

  • Low sperm count
  • Abnormal shaped or poor sperm motility
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Retrograde ejaculation
  • Certain prescription medications
  • Obesity

While abnormal sperm is a primary cause of male infertility, medical issues, environmental factors or lifestyle factors can also contribute to male fertility problems. Dr. Mark Denker, fertility specialist at Palm Beach Fertility Center, says that men may experience low sperm counts from recurring exposure to heat or pollutants.

Determining the Cause of Male Infertility

When a couple has had unprotected intercourse for a year or more without conceiving (or six months if the female partner is over 35), it may be time to test each partner to find the cause of infertility. Women undergo blood tests and pelvic exams. For men, Dr. Denker first conducts a health history interview, and then orders a semen analysis.

In an abnormal semen analysis, your fertility doctor will determine the volume of semen and the concentration, shape, and movement of your sperm. Healthy sperm should have a good shape and show forward progression; this movement ensures that the sperm has the mobility to move through the cervical canal, uterus, and into the fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg. Some men experience retrograde ejaculation, which means during ejaculation semen is forced backward into the bladder.

Lifestyle Changes that Enhance Male Fertility

Men can take certain steps to increase their sperm count and thus increase their fertility. Dr. Denker says smoking, drug abuse, and frequent sauna or hot tub use can decrease a man’s fertility. Many men have been taking prescription and over the counter Testosterone supplementation, which can adversely affect sperm counts. Exposure to certain venereal diseases can also negatively affect a man’s fertility.

It takes three months to create sperm, so men should stick with any lifestyle changes long enough to benefit from their effects.

Dr. Mark Denker and his skilled fertility team can help you and your partner determine the cause of your infertility. We understand you have unique fertility issues, and we provide highly personalized care to each patient. Call 800.953.BABY or schedule an appointment online and we will help you find the best route to getting pregnant.