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Connect with the Community: Infertility Support Groups

  • Category: Fertility
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Mark Denker, M.D.

Facing infertility on your path to parenthood can be daunting. Since many people don’t openly discuss their fertility issues, it can seem like you’re the only one. As a fertility specialist with 20 years of experience helping couples achieve their baby dreams at the Palm Beach Fertility Center, I can assure you that you are not alone. In fact, infertility affects 5 million couples in the U.S. alone.

As part of your overall fertility care, I highly recommend that you seek out others in a similar situation to build connections with those who know exactly what you’re going through. One of the best ways to do this is through an infertility support group. Following are common questions I field about infertility support groups:

What Is an Infertility Support Group?

An infertility support group is comprised of people who are all going through fertility challenges. Meeting frequency varies, but the groups might meet once or twice a month for two hours. During the meeting, couples or individuals share their personal stories – others can just listen, offer advice, compare notes or share their own stories.

How Can an Infertility Support Group Help Me?

There are several times in the course of the infertility journey when couples or individuals find it useful to speak to others in a similar situation. Some include:

  • When there’s a big treatment decision to be made
  • When exploring new parenting options
  • When recovering from a disappointment
  • When you are having trouble connecting socially with your friends and family

Is an Infertility Support Group Like Therapy?

An infertility support group can be therapeutic in that you receive support for a difficult experience, but you are free to share as much or as little as you’d like.

Will Joining an Infertility Support Group Make Me Feel Worse?

In my experience, patients gain a lot from their connections to other people who know what they’re going through, which makes them feel better, not worse. There is a lot to learn from other people’s perspectives, coping mechanisms and even humor about difficult situations.

How Can I Find an Infertility Support Group?

There are many infertility support groups in Palm Beach, Florida and around the country. One of the best ways to connect with one is through the RESOLVE website. Resolve, the National Infertility Association, includes a search feature on its website to find local groups.

If you are ready to connect with a fertility specialist who truly knows what you’re going through and has medical and other support resources to offer you, please contact Dr. Mark Denker at Palm Beach Fertility Center to schedule an appointment. We promise you are not alone.